Starting imperfectly.

So, hello everyone, this is my first post! I’m glad it is not perfect, since I have been already thought about starting this blog since around two days before when I started my new adventure in my creation. However, as also a practice for my self-torturing perfectionist self, I shall be glad for such failure.

I started a website with the main function to be used as a blog to showcase my works both visual and literary ones (or could be singing ones?), to gather research that support my works and to use it to also as a mirror to reflect myself as a practitioner. Although it tends to be an ongoing process, my aim for the time being is for the blog to revolve around my interest in ‘plants’. I’m interested in drawing out thoughts, ideas, stories or any inspiration from this particular fascinating area of our beautiful nature. I wish to observe, learn more about plants and come up with a response to it with words and pictures. I would like to start of with a 30 day challenge of producing an ‘experimental’ works first and figuring out along the way about the direction I would like to pursue after. It could become an online publication, an artwork on canvas, a short story, a children book with characters or a graphic novel dealing with philosophical issues.

Above are my the first three works I produced so far with a theme set to be around the Daffodils, a flower that bears a sign of a coming Spring. Inspired by experimental works from Picasso and David Hockney, I applied recycled packages as a medium to draw upon and use different of techniques just to see what happen. I intended to let it go loosely in the direction for now and wish it might be able to produce inspiration for further stories or character design as well.

