Andy Warhol

Ok, that’s a chancy happenstance of photos, and it goes well with today’s blog about Andy Warhol. Today I went to see the famous artist who I knew mainly from his association with Pop Art movement. Since I was there with my friends, and also with my kind of dizzy head due to possibly my dying of my hair colour yesterday night, I chose to document and respond to the exhibition with writing and taking photographs instead of sketching. Thinking back to the exhibition, I was not quite feeling connected much to the print works. I guess it could be because of myself not being so much aware of social issues such as capitalism. I discovered that what I enjoyed knowing was less of the works, but more of the mind and stories of the artist behind. I would like to understand more into Warhol’s personal thoughts and feelings, why he chose to do things as he did rather that what was it he producing. I feel the why the drives people into their decisions and actions fascinating. It could be because I cherish the unique and diverse perspectives of an individual person. This could be the reason that I’m also interested in reading books on Biography genre. After recent visits to exhibitions from Picasso and Hockney, one key thing of my appreciation is his or her willing to experiment with his works and approaches. For the photos above, I was amazed at the piece that was urinated by Warhol, that crossed much of the line of art and hygiene. Now the question could be, what kind of takeaway lessons I got from this exhibition to be applied to my own practice? To my own blogging about stories around plant characters? I think it’s more of thinking about whether is it about becoming ‘famous’ or a ‘celebrity’ as an artist I’m pursuing? which I think not (but I might wonder how it feels.)


I got four books today as my further resource of hope and inspiration. Tormented Hope: Nine Hypochondriac Lives, Andy Warhol: The Philosophy of Andy Warhol, Our of the Shadows: Reimagining Gay Men’s Lives and Granta, a literary magazine which dubbed itself as the magazine of new writing.


Chungking Express


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